Nostalgia & Covid

By now every single person has felt at least some stress from this pandemic that has taken over the world. Whether this devastating disease has taken our loved ones or not, the coronavirus (COVID-19) has proven to be extremely stressful for a lot of people. A federal emotional distress emergency hotline run by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reported over 1,000% increase in April. And some of the preventative actions contribute to the stress. Take for example, social distancing, this makes us feel isolated and lonely and only increases stress and anxiety!

Here are some other mental health items to be aware of, that can bring us down during this infectious disease outbreak:

  • Fear and worry about our health and the health of our loved ones,

  • Our financial situation and/or job, or loss of support services.

  • Unhealthy eating patterns.

  • Difficulty sleeping.

  • Difficulty concentrating.

  • Worsening of chronic physical and mental health issues.

  • Increased use of tobacco, and/or alcohol and other substances.

Now of course there are different levels of stress and this article focuses on mental health boosts for low level anxiety. However, in the case of a mental health emergency, here are some resources:

  • Seek immediate help at the nearest emergency room

  • Text HOME to 741741 to reach a Crisis Counselor

  • Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800.273.8255

Ok now for the good news is! there are a variety of things we can do to boost our mental health while we navigate through these trying times. Coping with stress in a healthy way will make you stronger, and will naturally spread to the people you care about and your community. Here are a few top things that can combat the Corona Virus blues:


I know, I know, seems obvious and, well, hard. But here’s the thing, it doesn’t have to be side splitting, sweat dripping workouts. Even mentally calming lite activity can help! A nature walk, yoga, stretching, breathing exercises, even meditating. All these things help combat stress.


It’s a familiar feeling that unfortunately a lot of us have felt. The spiral of negative thoughts taking us to a deep dark place. When anxious and/or stressed, parts of our minds take over and feed us irrational, fearful thoughts. This creates more stress, because seeing the world from a realistic perspective is one thing that helps ease anxiety.

To reverse this, here’s some things to do:

  • Thought replacement. This is an increasingly popular technique to quickly bring us back to reality. Experts recommend reflecting on our thoughts that are overly negative or rooted in anxiety. Then, think of the most positive alternative to the negative thought or scenario. Eventually allowing ourselves to settle in the middle is the goal here, as that's usually most realistic.

  • Chat with a loved one. It doesn’t have to be a long, boring conversation with Aunt Gertrude. Just a quick hello to a friend for family member will help. You will be amazed at how these little connections will feel warm and positive. After all, you know what they say: 'Pain shared is half the pain, and joy shared is double the joy’.


Of course this is one of our favorites here at Nostalgia Candles, but it’s true. Nostalgia is a healthy thing that can help combat the fear and anxiety of this new deadly disease. Covid has ushered in a resurgence of nostalgic activities including drive-in movies, classic games and fashion, and even crept into our dreams. Psychology professors confirm, people find comfort in nostalgia during times of loss, anxiety, isolation, or uncertainty.

So here’s some ideas we’ve come up with to use our candles to help:

  • 1950s Classic Car Scent. Speaking of drive-in movies, light this candle for anyone old enough to remember the golden age of drive-ins and we guarantee they will have a fun story from one of their experiences. Watch the joy return and let the stress roll away as you enjoy this time and their stories.

  • For our millennials out there, there are some great 90s nostalgic tv shows that will help relieve the stress of today’s covid environment. For example, remember how great Nickelodeon was? Use this green slime candle to conjure up those sweet after school memories of required after-school viewing for many millennials.

  • It’s also important to note that this too shall pass, so thinking about getting together afterwards can also help. Whether it’s a pool party, enjoying and nice Manhattan in a bar, or crimping your hair for a night out, all of these things will be back soon!

Although the Corona Virus can be overwhelming and cause severe emotional distress, let’s all come together, combat, and overcome this terrible time together. Using a combination of Nostalgia, and other mental health techniques, we will do this, together. This too shall pass and we will endure!

gene palagi